What is Reiki

When used in the phrase Usui Reiki Ryoho, the short answer is a piece of universal energy/the source to which Mikao Usui connected in 1921 while in deep meditation and fasting. This piece is the universal energy is the vibrations of love and harmony that bring healing balance and harmony to wherever is needed at that junction in time in the whole life receiving. 


Reiki’(‘ray-key’), is a Japanese noun often used to represent the spiritual healing art Usui Sensei founded has many meanings. Only when used in the term Usui Reiki Ryoho, it is the universal vibrations of unconditional love and harmony from the highest dimensions/the source.

As is explained in classes breaking the word Reiki down into rei and ki for a meaning is like breaking down the word kidnap into kid and nap for a meaning. There is another Japanese noun beginning with Rei that has a translated meaning often confused with Reiki. Also explained are such things as to how Reiki written in Japanese Kanji can be translated to mean something different than positive healing.

The original spiritual healing art, Usui Reiki Ryoho, founded by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922 is best described in Usui Sensei’s words.

 “It is love, harmony, and healing energy”. © international 2002


Because of Mikao Usui’s diligence he created the original spiritual healing art Usui Reiki Ryoho, to heal mind, body and spirit, sometimes even before symptoms show.

What is written on this page, as on the other pages on this site, is just a hint of what you can learn in Roberta Barnes’ Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reii Kai classes, and what you can expect in a healing session.

The healing experienced is different for each person and other life receiving because each life, each illness or injury is unique and again varies at the junction in time when healing is needed.


 The essence of the original Usui Reiki Ryoho as Mikao Usui created is Spiritual.
the healing that follows in the mind, body, and spirit of the life form receiving is a byproduct. 


Once the spiritual healing art founded by Usui Sensei crossed the oceans, distorted stories were created <read Common Reiki myths>

The in-person guidance from a qualified teacher helps the student to resonate with the piece of universal energy we have come to call Usui Reiki. The history, exercises, techniques, meditations, etc. in the training manuals are backup for what is heard and experienced in classes. Training manuals are only given to students, because any style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho cannot be learned from a book or DVD, the in-person connection between teacher and student is important.

The multiple openings of one’s pathway to this piece of universal energy (invitation into the light/empowerment/Reiju/attunement) given in each level is important to ensures that the universal vibrations of love and harmony flow through the person purely.  


For centuries there have been various healing practices using various energies and methods; each  has its own benefits.

The original spiritual healing art, Usui Reiki Ryoho, that Mikao Usui created is different than any of them.  


Usui Sensei (honorable teacher) created an original spiritual practice in which healing is a byproduct, heals the whole person, animal, bird or other life form in the way best for the life receiving at that junction in time. The result in wellbeing. In classes Roberta Barnes covers the factual history as she learned from her Japanese Shihans (master instructor), living in Japan. Each has only two Japanese teachers living in Japan between himself and Usui Sensei. 


Usui Sensei designed/created his original spiritual, in which healing is a byproduct.  It helps those learning attain a state of bliss, awaken the true universal self, and heal mind, body and spirit through Univeral vibrations of  love and harmony, which leads to a happy and healthy life.

Gendai Reiki Ho and komyo Reiki Kai embrace the essence in which Usui Sensei designed his original spiritual healing art.  


Universal energy is around us always, but the piece of universal energy to which Usui Sensei connected requires a body to flow through.  Once a person’s pathway has been opened by a qualified teacher of a style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho, and the person has spent hours practicing exercises, techniques, and meditations the healing universal vibrations of love and harmony flow through that person at any time and in any place.


Universal energy is beyond matter, it is a pure energy field of the highest dimension.

Love is the essence of the great universe, harmony is its will and healing is to be realized as a result.”  © international  Hiroshi Doi 1999 



Styles that honor Usui Reiki Ryoho as Usui Sensei created, are not a religion nor a belief system. 


Unless a style of Reiki has been altered, Usui Reiki will not cause any harm. No material objects are needed, and symbols are only training wheels used in classes to help students until they no longer require them.  Side effects are health and happiness. 


Usui Reiki Ryoho’, is the name that was given to the original spiritual practice Mikao Usui created/founded in 1922.  Some styles with energy/technique lineage through Hawayo Takata Sensei might say Usui Shiki Ryoho, which is part of the history explained in classes.

Ryoho is best translated as healing method.  

Usui Reiki Ryoho is a healing method that brings the healing balance and harmony to all cells in mind, body and spirit that are causing an illness/disease/injury.  

 Usui Sensei (honorable teacher) created this healing method in 1922 because felt the gift with which he had been blessed to receive during extremely deep meditation and fasting in 1921 should not be kept to himself.  After Usui Sensei gained enlightenment he was without ego at all times and in all places. Usui Sensei  

Many distorted stories have been created over the years, but the factual history is more interesting, especially as you think about world history of 1918 when Mikao Usui’s had his first awakening before his second awakening when he gained enlightenment and opened to a piece of universal energy.  <learning Usui Reiki Ryoho> 


Usui Sensei created the society Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, which still exists today in Japan.  The same as many other societies around the world, it is a closed society and difficult to join. One of Roberta Barnes’ Japanese teachers, Hiroshi Doi, was able to join this society in 1993.

During WWII the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai headquarters was bombed destroying anything inside that might have been written/brushed on paper, etc. at that time.

If any written materials were outside the building when it was bombed, they have never been made public. The same as with all societies, what happens within the society is kept sacred and  shared only with URR Gakkai members.

The original method/spiritual practice Usui Sensei created was passed unchanged from teacher to teacher within the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. Changes occurred once Usui Reiki Ryoho crossed the oceans.  As with many things in life, distorted stories have been created for various reasons.  <10 common Reiki myths>


Usui Reiki’ when used in connection with Usui Reiki Ryoho is what we have come to call the piece of Universal Energy from the highest dimensions/the source to which Usui Sensei (honorable teacher) opened/connected during extremely deep meditation and fasting after attaining enlightenment It is the vibrations of universal unconditional love and harmony. 

When I am asked what unconditional love is, I often answer by asking the person to think of the love given by the family dog

Usui Reiki will help people, and other life forms, to be stronger and healthier in mind, body and spirit, which promotes health of thought and joy of life.

Universal energy is infinite and without measure. and Usui Reik is a piece of universal energy.

 As you learned in science or physics 101, energy can neither be created nor destroyed it changes formsIn 1921 Usui Sensei connected with an actual piece of universal energy. 


Usui Reiki comes with universal wisdom.  The vibrations of balance and harmony flow to where it is needed and heals in the that is best for the life receiving at that junction in time.  <learning Gendai Reiki Ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>


Usui Reiki cannot be described in the same way that we describe matter, because it is energy.  



Univeral energy does not discriminate.  Styles honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho are for all forms of life; the only difference between People Reiki, Animal Reiki, Bird Reiki, etc. only vary by the is the life form receiving.


 ANIMAL REIKIAnimal Reiki is simply Usui Reiki flowing to an animal that is not a human being. Unlike scientific medicine Usui Sensei’s spiritual practice/healing art is not subdivided..

 To your left you see a Scottish terrier enjoying receiving Usui Reiki. People often bring their dogs in for healing sessions; dogs are so open to receiving that the mini-Reiki healing sessions are most common.  <Healing Sessions>

It is important to know the resources of any person teaching, talking or writing about any subject.


In 2002 I, Roberta Barnes completed Shihan (teacher’s level) in Gendai Reiki-ho in-person with Hiroshi Doi. 

In 2003 I completed Shihan (teacher’s level) in Komyo Reiki Kai in-person with Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto.  Each Japanese Shihan lives in Japan, has only 2 Shihans between himself and Mikao Usui, embraces the pure essence in which Usui Sensei created Usui Reiki Ryoho, and knows the Japanese dialect that Usui Sensei spoke. 

Most importantly I honor each of my teachers by teaching in the essence in which I was taught in-person.  In the 1990s I completed the teacher’s level in Western styles of Reiki, so I am aware of the difference, but only teach and practice Gendi Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai.  <Shihan Roberta R. Barnes>

At Usui Reiki Ryoho 2002 (international conference) I met other Shihans from other countries who spent years researching and interviewing in Japan those who knew Usui Sensei. One knowable Canadian Shihan was very helpful and sharing some history with me. 

Over the decades science has broken down healing into categories such as emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and many acronyms.  With Usui Reiki Ryoho it is simply healing of the whole/complete life, which cover all of the medical and other categories, and all life forms.

Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness and the path of Usui Reiki Ryoho helps you to fulfill that right.”–Roberta R. Barnes © 2002

Once a persons’ pathway to the universal vibrations of love and harmony has been opened by a qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho Shihan (teacher/master instructor) that piece of universal energy  flows through the person 24/7 for the remainder of his or her life. Three empowerments/Reiju/attunements are given in each level to assure the universal energy is flowing purely. 


Many distorted stories have been created once Usui Reiki Ryoho crossed the oceans, In classes I explain why Hyakuten Sensei writes Reiki in Japanese Kana instead of Japanese kanji Knowing this and the original history explains how some of the distorted stories were created by misunderstandings and translation errors.  <most common myths> 


Experience natural healing energyAny style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho cannot be learned from a book, a DVD, or online.  

You can read about something or watch it being done, but to know requires experience.  

The in-person bond between teacher and student is something that cannot be duplicated. 


The training manuals I give in classes cannot be purchased online or in bookstores.  Training manuals require a qualified teacher/instructor to explain the meaning behind the words. As with many things in life, it is the meaning behind the words that is important, and not the definition or word for word translation.

During the hours in-person classes, the experience a student gains from being guided through the Japanese exercises, techniques and meditations allows him or her to learn the depth of the meaning and to know. 


In Shoden (level one/first degree/first teaching) I cover the years of events, beliefs and practices that lead to Mikao Usui gaining enlightenment, and opening to a piece of universal energy that lead to him creating an original spiritual practice that geals in the best way for the life receiving.  I explain the meaning in each of the five short lines of the Usui Gokai (five precepts/principles) 

Knowing the factual history allows a student to focus on the energy of the highest dimensions that Usui Sensei connected while in extremely deep mediation and fasting, <learning Usui Reiki Ryoho


Even though Usui Sensei created an original spiritual practice/healing art, the term “reiki ryoho” is not original.  The name used by the society Usui Sensei created, Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, was and is “Usui Reiki Ryoho.” international © Hiroshi Doi 2002


The noun “Reiki” was used by spiritual therapists during the Meiji (1868-1912), Taisho (1912-1925), and early Showa (1926-1988) Eras. The phrase “reiki ryoho” was used to refer to hands-on therapy.

Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai are styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho created in Japan by Japanese Shihans.  Each of these styles embraces the essence of Usui Sensei’s original spiritual practice that brings healing balance and harmony to all cells in mind, body and spirit as needed.

Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki kai were created in Japan. Each embraces the essence of Usui Sensei’s (honorable teacher) the original spiritual practice. which he first called by different names as  I explain in classes.

Gendai Reiki-ho translates into English as Modern Reiki Method for Healing, but as with many phrases in Usui Reiki Ryoho the meaning goes deeper<what are Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>

One translation that has a deep meaning is Reiki light, which is obvious when you are studying or practicing any style honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho as created by Usui Sensei

Usui Sensei taught each student in the way that blended with the experience he or she came to him with.  If he had written anything it would have been destroyed during WWII when the URR Gakkai headquarters was bombed.


Anyone asking, what is traditional Reiki, might receive many answers. Four men were raised to the level allowing them to teach as Usui Sensei taught. Two of them stayed within the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, which honors the original spiritual healing art Usui Sensei created. In order to keep Usui Sensei’s teachings sacred, only members know what has and does happen within the URR Gakkai. Nothing has been made public.


The other two men changed the way Usui Sensei taught to blend with the healing practice they had done prior to studying with Usui Sensei. One of these men, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Sensei was a medical doctor prior to studying under Usui Sensei. Hayashi Sensei left the URR Gakkai and created what translates as a research clinic, which I explain in classes.  One of the people Hayashi Sensei raised to the level allowing her to teach his style was Hawayo Takata Sensei who appears in many Western Reiki lineages. 



Usui Reiki brings the balance and harmony that heals in the best way for the life receiving without the need of symbols, material objects or designated hand positions.  Where your ands are placed is determined by the vibrations of the receiver and universal wisdom. <learning Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai>


Usui Reiki Ryoho provides a gentle yet powerful complementary healing that can improve the quality of life in all people, animals, birds, and other life forms. 



You can read about something or watch a video, but to know requires experience. 

In-person classes with a qualified Shihan (master instructor) give you that experience 

The strength of Love and Harmony has been proven in many ways for centuries; being an actual piece of the source, Usui Reiki can replace conflict with tranquility.  


Usui Reiki Ryoho Practitioners and Shihans (master instructor/teacher of high standing) who have spent many hours/days in classes and practicing exercises and meditations, can allow the vibrations of unconditional love and harmony to flow to all forms of life, and events at all times and in all places.


Healing of the spirit is sometimes overlooked. Usui Sensei said, “If our spirit is healthy and conformed to the truth, body will get healthy naturally.© international 2002 

Universal Energy does not shut down on holidays, turn off at night, or have office hours,  <Read Reiki myths> 

The universe allows freewill.  If for any reason any person, or other life form, does not want to receive Usui Reiki it will not flow.  No one can force universal energy on any life.  


The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai is the society founded by Usui Sensei in Japan for the beautiful reason I explain in classes. The same as with many societies around the world, the URR Gakkai does not make public what happens within its meetings.  Because what is said and done within the URR Gakkai is kept sacred, some people have created distorted stories.  

Any journals that might have survived the WWII bombings have not been released to the public.  The same as with any society, what is shared within the URR Gakkai is known only by members of the URR Gakkai.  

Hiroshi Doi, one of my teachers and founder of Gendai Reiki-ho, joined the URR Gaklkai in 1993.  Each of the two Shihans (teachers/master instructor) between Doi Sensei and Mikao Usui where members of the URR Gakkai. He has kept Gendai Reiki-ho pure to the essence of the original Usui Reiki Ryoho <What is Gendai Reiki Ho >



Doi Sensei description of Gendai Reiki-ho is, “Ayashiku-nai, Okashiku-nai, Muzukashiku-nai”. © international 1999 Hiroshi Doi.  Translated into English it is, “nothing fishy, nothing odd, nothing difficult”. <learning Gendai Reiki-ho>




Experience natural healing energy

Dr. Usui was Mikao Usui’s bother, who had nothing to do with Usui Reiki Ryoho.  Some confusion in Usui Reiki Ryoho’s history was caused when Usui Reiki Ryoho crossed the oceans because Usui Sensei’s bother and Hayashi Sensei were each MD. 

Mikao Usui chose a different healing path. The path Mikao Usui chose resulted in him sharing a beautiful healing gift with the world.

Being born into a Samuria family MIkao Usui was advanced in martial arts and earned the titles of master, grand master and O’Sensei in martial arts.  As I explain in classes, he did not claim to be a master of the original practice he created/founded, and pf course no one can master universal energy.



Usui Sensei said that the Five short lines of the simple Usui Reiki Gokai (5 precepts/5 principles) he brushed in 1921, are the key to health and happiness.  In classes you can learn the importance of these five simple lines. 

The translated words that begin each line, Just for today or Now, have a much deeper meaning.  The translated Japanese poem I share in classes helps to explains the depth of the true meaning.

The Usui Gokai (five precepts/principles) is said from the heart, the place of true knowledge.

One English translation given by a Japanese person living in Japan is as follows.

  1. I let go of anger
  2. I let go of fretful worry  
  3. I give thanks
  4. I do my work honestly/diligently 
  5.  I extend kindness

Beginning in Shoden (first teaching) classes I explain the depth of the meaning within each short line and why each line begins with just for today.  One of the goals in Usui Reiki Ryoho is to live the Gokai  <Learning Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai> 

Before I continue Gassho for not copying anything from this website. Feel free to contact me with any questions. 

Note that arigatou is a Japanese word for thank you. Gassho used frequently in styles honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho is thank you with a deeper meaning, which I share in classes along with how to pronounce it.


Experience natural healing energy

Styles honoring the essence of Usui Reiki Ryoho as it was created can be thought of as integrated healing. When all parts of the whole are healing together, well-being naturally happens. <Usui Reiki Ryoho is simple yet profound>

What is Reiki, what is Usui Reiki, what is Usui Reiki Ryoho, and what are different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho are all different questions with different answers, as I explain in classes.

In Doi Sensei’s classes many things were shared with us that are not shared in his books. One example of these things is the truth of Hayashi Sensei’s passing on (death). 

My Canadian Usui Reiki Shihan, prior to Doi-Sensei and Hyakuten-Sensei, was an excellent source because of the years he spent researching factual history through Japanese sources. He also studied under Doi-Sensei and Hyakuten Sensei as did some others who I communicated with at URRI 2002.  <Shihan Roberta R. Barnes>

What you see here is an introduction similar to the introduction of Hiroshi Doi’s book ‘Iyashion Gendai Reiki-ho’ written to introduce Gendai Reiki-ho.  As first translated into English in June 2000, Iyashion Gendai Reiki-ho’ is an excellent book.  Hiroshi Doi autographed a copy of this book for me, and I received his training manual in classes so I can definitely say they are different, and training manuals are only given to students for obvious reasons.<what is Gendai Reiki-ho> 

One of my student’s comments about my classes: “It was a joy to learn the history of Mikao Usui.  Roberta was incredibly clear and concise.  Incorporating the simply practice of Shoden level had immediate and lasting benefits.  I very much look forward to continuing study with Roberta.  She is a true Ray of Light!”– Karl

Over the centuries many other healing modalities have been created; they are simply different than the original method, Usui Reiki Ryoho, that Mikao Usui created. 


There is nothing uncommon or lofty about Usui Sensei’s teachings; once he attained enlightenment he was without ego at all times and in all places.  Therefore, you will not find any teacher of any style that honors Usui Reiki Ryoho claimimg their style is the best or he or she is a master.   

On Usui Sensei’s memorial he is referred to as simply Sensei, which gives the meaning of him being the’ honorable teacher.

Weaving universal vibrations of love & harmony (Usui Reiki) into your life after putting in the many hours of study with a qualified Shihan helps to improve the quality of your life, which automatically invites health and happiness. <learning Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>

 When mind, body, and spirit are in-balance and with harmony you can Usui Reiki heals all life return to your natural state of wellbeing. That allows you to experience the health and happiness that is best for you at that time.  

There is natural beauty in what is simple, and when you add in the profound, such as in Usui Reiki Ryoho, it is amazing.

The photograph of the deer and turkeys is the simple beauty I enjoyed one spring morning outside my natural healing studio 

Wildlife doesn’t search for ‘state of art’ ways to make things better, they simply are in-harmony with the natural world/universe around them and follow their dharma (A sanskrit word with a simple meaning I explain in classes)<in harmony with nature>

There is a fine line between fact and fiction; if a person does not hear all that is being said he or she sometimes fills in the banks with thier own facts form there memory. Three words you just read were not spelled correctly, but you may not have noticed because the mind can automatically rearrange things as you have seen or herad in your past. 

What I write is based on what I learned directly from my Japanese Shihans with a very close lineage to Mikao Usui <Shihan Roberta R. Barnes>   

Styles honoring Usui Reikio Ryoho as created by Usui Sensei do not use complicated rituals, material objects, charts of hand positions, many symbols or anatomy/biology studies.  Once the student learns to feel vibrations and resonates with the piece of universal energy we call Usui Reiki nothing else is needed.  <read Reiki myths>

The vibrations of universal love and harmony cannot be measured, manipulated, or touched, but this piece of universal energy is as real as the air you breathe.  


Your experiences or view of other’s experience forms your beliefs, your beliefs become your reality, which becomes your way of viewing everything or your life’s GPS. 

 Practitioners and teachers of styles honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho do not focus on treating the disease or injuries. We focus on wellbeing of the whole life receiving.



Shihans or practitioners practicing pure styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho often say Reiki light.  The same as words used by most good translators, it represents the meaning behind the words. Reiki light can be visualized as a beautiful and nourishing light that goes beyond description because it is not the same as any light on this plane.  

Scientific medicine is subdivided into many mental and physical forms; each having its own diagnoses and prognosis.  Usui Reiki Ryoho healing the mind, body and spirit is healing of the whole life form.

 Usui Sensei recognized that there is an inner healer within all people and other life forms.  Usui Sensei created a way to teach others how to allow Usui Reiki to awaken, realign, and enhance the inner healer while bringing the healing balance and harmony of universal energy to all atoms in mind/body/spirit together. 


       natural healing universal energy

Due to an abundance of canards/distorted stories and translation errors this beautiful spiritual practice/healing art we call Usui Reiki Ryoho might seem complicated and mysterious. As you can learn in classes, it is beautiful gentle path to health and happiness <read more>


When Usui Reiki is added into mainstream medical practices, including massage and acupuncture, the result can be unexpected healing of the whole life form receiving.  As one doctor said to me after completing a level, “it gives that extra I could not give before”.  

Usui Mikao (correctly written) spent many years in Buddhist and other studies for his self-growth, before he attained enlightenment and opened to a piece of universal energy during deep disciplined meditation while fasting. 

When you know the factual history it is easy to see what it would require to teach yourself Usui Reiki Ryoho, and why you cannot learn Usui Reiki Ryoho through a book, DVD, or instant download. 

Experience natural healing energy


As originally created Usui Reiki Ryoho does not create a need for anything. Drinking extra water or eating certain foods before or following a Usui Reiki Ryoho healing session or classes is not required <most common Reiki myths>

Each Usui Reiki Ryoho teacher or practitioner is pleased to show his or her energy and technique lineage back to Mikao Usui, certificates from his or her teachers, and most importantly tell you if he or she has changed the way in which he or she was taught.<Shihan Roberta R. Barnes>  


I enjoy allowing Usui Reiki Ryoho to blend with the harmony of nature.  One day while taking a photograph of what I thought was a baby humming bird, I heard a buzzing to my left.

Looking to see what it was I saw an actual hummingbird hovering and looking directly at me.  When I looked back at what I had been trying to photograph I saw it was a moth often called a fake humming bird.

The hummingbird seemed to be reminding me that there is a difference between the actual and the mako (created from what is wanted not what actually is)– even if they are both cute.  I still enjoy seeing the Clearwing Moths, but I no longer think they are related to the hummingbirds that visit my gardens 

The actual piece of universal energy from the highest dimensions to which Mikao Usui connected, and developed his method around, is the vibrations of universal unconditional love and harmony. 

We all know how powerful love is; as a visual Dr. Emoto showed us the visuals of water molecules changing shape when exposed to various emotions; the water molecules exposed to love changed to a beautiful shape/form.  

Mikao Usui passed on in his sleep after a long day of giving blessings (healings) on March 9th, 15th year of Taisho (A.D. 1926).   He was born August 15, 1865.


Usui Sensei attained enlightenment and opened fully to an actual piece of universal energy in 1921, and in 1922 began teaching his original spiritual method we now call Usui Reiki Ryoho.

In 2002 I listened to Hiroshi Doi say, “Usui Reiki Ryoho is worldwide healing method born in Japan”. © Universal Copyright 1999    thank you for respecting these copyrights.  

Mikao Usui

International © 1999 by way of Hiroshi Doi Sensei

While Mikao Usui’s brother, Dr. Usui, was a Medical Doctor, Mikao Usui, Usui Sensei, chose a different path. 

Usui Sensei’s path led to a spiritual healing art that even today is a blessing to people around the world. 

Just as a baby is not born with an instruction manual, the piece of universal energy Usui Sensei opened to did not come with instructions.  Being able to create a way to share what had been bestowed upon him in only a year shows Usui Sensei’s intellect, his compassion, and his want to share with others.

Usui Sensei’s compassion caused him to create 3 symbols in 1925 for those students who needed something visual to understand energy/vibration. Prior to that he had not used symbols.  When you learn that Reiki symbols are only training wheels, you can recognize those 3 symbols represent so much that there is no need for any more.  When you reach the third spiritual level that prepares you to go on to the teacher’s level, you learn to transcend all training wheels.   

While Usui Sensei’s second awakening has been told in various way, the depth and importance of his first awakening is one of the important things explained in the first Shoden (level one) class. <learning Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reii Kai>

One of the ways Usui Sensei (honorable teacher) first referred to his simple yet profound teachings was a  ‘Method to Achieve Personal Perfectioninternational © 1999.

Usui Reiki Ryoho is a blissful journey that you travel at your pace.  With each level your vibration raises and you are connected more fully to universal unconditional love and harmony.

What I am sharing here are only some of the basic facts about this amazing man and the beautiful gift he shared with the world. With so much to learn no level can be done in just one day and then it takes weeks, months sometimes years of practice before a students knows he or she is ready to move on to the next level.   

Experience natural healing energy

“Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Usui Reiki helps us to fulfill that right.” © Roberta R. Barnes, 2002

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Sensei in his research clinic, where he combined Usui Reiki Ryoho with his medical practice, had those receiving healing lay on a table for a healing session. Nevertheless, you can receive from a qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho practitioner or Shihan at any time in any place. <healing sessions>


The healings I have witnessed and those that my students have told me happened through the Usui Reiki flowing through them have been nothing less then awesome.

While medical care should never be ignored or stopped without consulting the attending medical care professional, adding Usui Reiki healing sessions into the recovery process allows healing to happen faster and better than expected. I can state this without reservation as I personally have experienced it.

Usui Reiki Ryoho is no worry about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, but instead is accepting what is within and moving forward in the best positive light for you.

When you take the time to study Usui Reiki Ryoho as a spiritual practice, and not a technique to satisfy an egotistic purpose ” © Hiroshi Doi 2002,  you learn what cannot be symbolized in any language.<learning Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho>

More and more hospitals welcome qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho practitioners with certificates from qualified Shihans (master instructor) coming in to assist in the healing process of those patients who have requested it. 

Reiki is in harmony with nature

The sun may set but the universal vibrations of Usui Reiki Ryoho flow without harm even while you are sleeping.

 There remain many things that are currently kept sacred by Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai members. I explain in classes the reason Usui Sensei created the Gakkai, which reflects his want to share the gift he was blessed to receive with the world. <Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>

The next time you hear something new about Reiki, stop and remember the world’s history from Usui Sensei’s birth year to the year following Hayashi Sensei’s passing on (death). Also ask where that information came from; it is not yours to judge, but it is yours to believe or not to believe. Usui Reiki Ryoho is the original spiritual practice Mikao Usui created in 1922; in his humble gentle way he never claimed it to be better than any other healing modality.


Usui Reiki Ryoho can be visualized as the nourishing sunlight that connects the earth with healing balance and harmony the morning following a disaster.

Call 207-445-5671 or Contact by Email  Shihan Roberta R. Barnes  Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan, Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan, Master Herbalist, Author and Speaker by Email today and begin your healing journey

Copyright (C) 2005 Roberta R. Barnes Natural Healing & Learning Center. All rights reserved.

Thank you for respecting the © on all the information I, Roberta R. Barnes, am sharing with you and not copying anything from this website without my written permission.  My journey has been long and I ask that you respect/honor those I have been blessed to have studied directly under . 

Resources for this article and sources of quotes are; Hiroshi Doi-Sensei and his Gendai Reiki Ho Healing Kyokai class 2002 (Hiroshi Doi jioned the URR Gakkai in 1993), Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto-Sensei and his Komyo Reiki Kai class 2003,  Richard Rivard Reiki Shihan I studied with from 1996 though 2001.  Interviews and research done by Usui Reiki Ryoho colleagues Richard Rivard, Tom Rigler, Dave King and Don Beckett.

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 last updated 08/31/2024

© Roberta Barnes In understanding copyright of articles on the net please read 10 Big Myths of Copyright Explained.