Reiki Classes and Guided meditation workshops

The way your life unfolds is in your hands through which the healing universal vibrations of love and harmony (Usui Reiki) can flow.  

Enroll in my in-person Gendai Reiki Ho or Komyo Reiki kai in-person classes today, and be guided to bring healing balance & harmony into mind, body, spirit, and more — what is in balance and with harmony heals. <what are Gendai Reiki Ho and Komyo Reiki kai> 

Scroll down for dates and times of scheduled Reiki classes. Guided Meditation workshops dates are below Reiki classes.  

 The multiple empowerments/reiju/attunements given in each level are just the beginning as you are guided to weave the piece of universal energy to which Mikao Usui connected into all areas of your life.  In each level/degree I give students my © student manual for that level/degree, which are comprised of my Japanese Shihan’s © student manuals and the notes I took in their classes. 

You can read about something, listen to a lecture, take a course online, or watch it being done, but to know requires experience.

In-person classes give you experience. Any style honoring original Usui Reiki Ryoho cannot be learned from a book, DVD or over distance. 


I include enough time in classes to allow students to fully experience the exercises, techniques, and meditations. The first three levels are broken down into three 4-hour classes. Time between classes gives you time to assimilate all the in-class material, practice, and form questions for the next class.

Many students have said, “Time flies in your classes, even though it’s a lot to digest <for complete descriptions of each level and fees click here>

 When traveling from another State, or a Province, class times can vary to help with travel, Nevertheless, each student receives the important hours of in-person instruction that he or she deserves.

Certificates of completion are given at the end of the last class in each level.  Students can still contact me with questions by phone, enjoy attending my monthly Usui Reiki Ryoho Koryukai, or reviewing the depth of what Usui Sensei created in my monthly newsletters.   If you are a past student and your email address has changed please notify me to receive the monthly newsletter. 


Students best explain what they experience in my classes, and the healing that happens.   Please scroll down for some of those comments. 


 To register for classes or ask about classes Call 207-445-5671 (no texting) or contact by Email at Shihan Roberta R. Barnes.  

The size of each class is limited, and private classes ae taught as needed. The fourth, or teacher’s, level, is most often taught in private or semi-private classes. <brief descriptions & fees for each level > 

For complete descriptions and fees for each of the four levels in both styles, and Pre-Shoden for young children go to my Learning Page or  <click Here>


When you register for any level a nonrefundable $50 deposit is required.  The remainder of the fee is paid by check of cash in the first-class of each level.  If more convenient you can pay the entire fee by check when registering.  I ask for your name as you would like it to appear on the cover of your student manual. You can send the $50.00 by postal mail or use the Pay now’ button below, If paying the entire fee by PayPal, let me know and an invoice can be emailed to you. 


Whichever way you chose to register, you will receive easy driving directions to Natural Healing & Learning Center in Windsor Maine 04363 with your receipt.  The healing studio is less than a mile from Hussey’s General Store.  


Experience natural healing energy



For brief descriptions and fees for each level click here


Note that after Shoden the names of the next three levels are different between Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai even though each was founded in Japan by a Shihan with only two Shihans (master instructor/teacher of high standing) between himself and Usui Sensei.  

All levels beyond Shoden (first level) require a certificate for the prior level(s).


Move through 2025 in balance and with harmony by opening up, or widening your pathway, universal vibrations of Love and Harmony.



In the Second level/degree you are opened to more of the universal vibrations than in Shoden. This allows you to improve the quality of your ability to allow Usui Reiki to flow. You are introduced to the three symbols Usui Sensei created in 1925, which helps you to understand the depth of Usui Reiki Ryoho healing.  The second of the three most important techniques in Usui Reiki Ryoho is shown in this level.  Universal energy does not recognize the human measuring of time and distance, through exercises you can experience Reiki healing transcending space and time. <read more> 

Gendai Reiki-ho Okuden  Classes Saturdays February 15, 22, & March 1; 9:30 AM- 1:30 PM 

Komyo Reiki kai Chuden classes February 19, 26 & March 5; 9:30 AM- 1:30 PM 


Shoden, the First level, classes which will be scheduled in April focus on self-healing, self-cleansing, and self-growth as you are guided on how to weave balance and harmony into all areas of your life. It is the base for the essence in which Mikao Usui created his “method to achieve personal perfection” © international.  Japanese exercises guide you to feel vibrations that tell you where your hands need to be, without depending on hand positions, and for how long to hold them in that place.  <read more>

Gendai Reiki-ho Shinpiden Classes Saturdays March 29, April 5 & 12; 9:30 AM- 1:30 PM

Komyo Reiki kai Okuden classes Wednesdays April 2, 9, & 16; 9:30 AM- 1:30 PM


The Third level/degree is an extremely deep spiritual level. In this level your awareness increases, and your vibration become even higher through the Japanese exercises that take you beyond matter. While you are introduced to the fourth symbol, you are shown how to transcend all Reiki symbols and move on to make purer connections. Students have often said after completing this level they know why this level in Gendai Reiki-ho translates as teaching of the mysteries.  <read more>


If you cannot attend the days I have scheduled, contact me for possible alternative dates.  I teach semi-private and private classes as needed. 

For students traveling from other States or countries contact me so that we can arrange class times that fit best with your travel and lodging.


To register today for classes in any level in Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai contact me to save your seat.  Then you can pay the $50 nonrefundable deposit, through postal mail or through the PayPal using the button below. The remainder of the fee is paid by check of cash in the first-class.  When registering please let me know how you would like your name to appear on the cover of your manual.   I will send with your receipt easy driving directions.


You can also prepay in full by Postal mail or if easier for you I will send you an invoice through PayPal once you have contacted me. 

If you have any questions feel free to call me, Shihan Roberta Barnes, 207-445-5671 or Email at Shihan Roberta R. Barnes.


Experience natural healing energy

Some of my students’ comments: 

“The classes were planned and organized well.  They evolved at a good pace, with time to practice and incorporate into daily life.  The principles/teachings really are priceless and something that can be beneficial in all areas of life, regardless of continuing the Reiki journey/next levels.” — Ashley  ___________________________________________________________________

“This was an amazing experience.  There is no judgement and I felt right at home.  Thank you so much! I will definitely be back.”– Jessica __________________________________________

 “I have taken all three level classes with Roberta, and it has changed my art and how I feel about those around me but mostly how I feel about myself. If you ever get the chance to take a class from Roberta I would highly recommend her.”– Patty  


So happy I found Roberta. at home here in Maine.  She has been an awesome Shihan who has studied under the best and speaks with a wealth of knowledge and experience of her own. Very rewarding and I’m having a lot of un”. –Joshua


“If you are looking to get greater insight into yourself and develop skills that help you to diffuse a difficult situation studying with Roberta will give you that.”–Cindy 

More reviews are on other pages. 

In each level/degree you advance by:

Nothing can make a piece of the source of all energy better. The way to advance in Usui Reiki Ryoho is to review your manual(s), practice connecting to the Reiki light withing once your pathway has been opened/empowerment (attunement), or complete the next of the four levels. Experience natural healing energy

Call 207-445-5671 (no texting) or contact by Email clicking on Shihan Roberta Barnes to register for classes or workshops.


Down the Rabbit Hole, is an afternoon of a series of guided meditations.  Each guided meditation is a positive theme and between the meditations some attending like to share what they experienced when guided back to an event or time that the conscious mind had forgotten.  

For more information go to my guided meditations <Meditation benefits page>

For descriptions of my guided meditation workshop click here. 

Reiki energy circles

Look closely at this photograph above.  Do you see three circles to the left and above the dog Suri?  He was too young at this time to sit quietly in classes, but he still enjoyed the universal vibrations of love and harmony that are within the healing studio.  

On one of his many visits this photo was taken to show a friend the hall leading to the green (waterless) restroom.  When you have an adorable loving dog that wants to be in the photo you simply smile and take the photo.  

The circles are energy/Usui Reiki circles. Reiki light (translation) fills healing studio because of the universal vibrations of love and harmony always flowing through Roberta Barnes in healing sessions and her and her my students n classes.

As you move through the levels your pathway is opened wider to the piece of universal energy we have come to call Usui Reiki, and love and harmony shines from you.  <learning Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>

Roberta Barnes will travel to teach either Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki to a group of people. The size of the group required depends upon the distance of travel.  For more details. Call 207-445-5671 or Contact Roberta R. Barnes by Email for details. 

Thank you for respecting © and not copying anything without written permission from Roberta R. Barnes, Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan, Gendai Reiki Healing Kyokai Shihan, Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan, Master Herbalist, Author and Speaker

Twitter Click to follow me!

last updated 12/04/2024