You might think that something that can heal mind, body and spirit in amazing ways requires equipment, rituals and symbols. The only thing required with any style honoring the original Usui Reiki Ryoho is a practitioner or teacher. That practitioner or teacher who has had his or her pathway opened to the piece of universal love and harmony to which Usui Sensei opened, in-person while spending hours in-person in classes with a qualified teacher.
As with Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai, healing begins or is enhanced where is best for the life receiving at that junction in time without any directions, symbols, or material objects. <learning Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai>
This wave of love, or Reiki light (as translated from original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho teachings) from the highest dimensions heals at a level we sometimes do not recognize as healing. Rather than masking symptoms Usui Reiki flows to the core of what is causing the symptoms. © international 1999 <What is Reiki>
I wrote the following for an April 2015 issue of Maine Women’s Magazine. This is based on what I learned in-person from Hiroshi Doi Sensei and Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei; each is a Japanese Shihan living in Japan with only two Shihans (master instructor/teacher of high standing) between himself and Mikao Usui the founder of the original Usui Reiki Ryoho.
“Nothing fishy, nothing odd, nothing difficult”– (English translation) © Hiroshi Doi 1999. Doi Sensei (honorable teacher), who is Japanese and joined the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in 1993, was referring to the style of Usui Reiki Ryoho that he created to teach others the original spiritual practice Mikao Usui founded in 1922.
As Usui Sensei said, there is an inner healer within each life form international © 1999. Usui Reiki supports and enhances the healer within forming a restorative rhythm in mind, body and spirit—integrated healing at its best. All styles honoring Usui Reiki Ryoho are complementary, respecting, and enhancing to professional medicine and other positive healing modalities.
Tools used in other healing modalities are not needed in Usui Reiki Ryoho; the Practitioner or Shihan simply becomes the tuning fork. Once your pathway has been opened and you learn Usui Sensei’s spiritual practice, it is just you, the knowledge in your heart, and that beautiful piece of universal energy we call Usui Reiki flowing through you. Simple yet profound. © Roberta R. Barnes 2015
To learn more read What is Reiki or What are Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki kai.
Written by Roberta R. Barnes Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan, and Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan, Master Herbalist, Guided meditation therapist, Author and Speaker.
Thank you for respecting the © on all the information I am sharing with you and not copying anything from this website without my written permission. If you have my permission, thank you for not changing any of the wording and including Shihan Roberta R. Barnes as the author.