Sitting in the peaceful quiet of nature is not the only place where you can let go of mind clutter, melt stress, and find your power within the stillness. <melting stress>
An example of amazing benefits within the stillness is after years of his diligence in meditation Mikao Usui went to such a deep level that he opened to an actual piece of universal energy. He then created his original spiritual healing art Usui Reiki Ryoho . <read What is Reiki>
“Meditation is finding that place within you where anything is possible”–Buddha.
Look closely and see the word possible sitting within impossible. What you focus on you create. You can purposely create AHA moments <Read more>
Have you ever felt that you simply do not have good luck? Maybe your view of the good luck you have had is blocked. As you listen to my original Bluebird guided meditation your view might change. This is based on the legend that if you see a bluebird by your front door good luck with come to all who live in the house.
Now/this moment you can click below and listen free of charge to my Bluebird Guided Meditation © Roberta R. Barnes. This has helped others to uncover/remember those good luck moments that made them smile. Remembering your good luck, invites more good luck to come.
This Bluebird meditation is a sample of the original guided meditations that given to help people let go the negative that can be buried in the subconscious or go into past lives for self-discovery. Right Now, get comfortable, turn off your phone, allow your body to relax as you focus on your breath, and you listen to Bluebird Meditation © Roberta R. Barnes.
In the stillness of meditation, you can refresh and rebuild.
In-person guided meditations into your current past or past lives help you to see your past through today’s eyes. Have you ever wondered what it was like when you rode your horse to wherever you wanted to go?
Even seeing your past in your current life can be helpful. It is the beliefs formed from your experiences that can either help you move forward or put on your brakes. One way to take your foot off the inappropriate brakes is to see past experiences through your today’s eyes in one of my tailored guided meditations. <read more on healing sessions>
‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ is a series of guided meditations into your past that is done a few times a year. It begins with a guided meditation to release blocks; you do not have to identify these or even know what created them. From there it is a series of guided meditations guiding you into a conscious forgotten positive time in your current life, or a past life that is right for you to see at that time.
The question you will be answering that day is ‘how far down the rabbit hole can I go’.
Another option you have today is to order my Finding Your Solutions on CD. Listening can lead to discover the finest and brightest within you that can look beyond problems to see solutions.
If you look beyond the problem, you often can see possibilities and solutions that were blocked from view by the problem. When you are in the habit of looking beyond a problem to see the solution life changes gears.
Listening to Finding Your Solutions can help you to get in the habit of switching gears.
‘Finding Your Solutions’ is only $19.95 at this time. Oder today and receive FREE shipping in United states
Order today
Mind clutter can block solutions. Meditation takes you away from mind clutter. Without mind clutter you can be centered and see things you would not have noticed, and you think more clearly.
There is a meditation in each of the four levels in Gendai Reiki-ho and in Komyo Reiki Kai.These meditations help you to resonate with the universal vibrations of love and harmony flowing through you in that level, and go deeper into discovering the true universal you. <Learning Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai>
Continue reading on this page and see how you can easily take a break as you
Turn-on to tranquility, Peace & Possibilities, and
Drop-out of stressful thought patterns.
In-person guided meditations can guide you into your current life that is right for you to see at that time or a past life. When you can see past events through your eyes of today. This can help you to change your feelings about your past, Other of my original meditations can help you find the best within you and ,awaken ‘your’ creativity <awaken your creativity>.
Imprints of experiences and the feelings they create exist in all of us. If the imprints are negative the subconscious will not easily accept positive ideas. My original guided meditations, healing sessions, and the exercises I teach in Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai can help you to replace negative imprints with new uplifting thoughts and positive ideas that are best for you.<healing sessions & guied medtations>
Others can tell you how they solved their problems.
One of the purposes in Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai is to uncover the true universal you. <Learning Gendai Reiki-ho & Komyo Reiki Kai>
In meditation you go where no one else can go–that place that is solely yours. Through meditation you can learn to go beyond ordinary levels of consciousness, to safely reach that stillness within where you can find your treasures.
Because of the benefits to your complete self.
When you include meditation into your daily routine the results can be amazing.
- reducing and melting stress <melt stress>
- your creativity increasing as mind clutter dissolves <awaken creativity>
- new neurons being generated.
- discovering your hidden talents/skills.
Daily meditation goes a step further and can . . .
- reduce insomnia.
- restore the functioning of your brain in solving problems.
- open you to a calm that leads to happiness and self-esteem.
- reduce your anxiety and depression, so that you are able to see more positive things in life.
- improve your relationships.
- increase your energy level.
- develop your sense of inner calm.
- improve your memory and learning skills
- improve your health promoting a younger biological age
- help you purposely create aha moments < create AHA moments>
- help you uncover the tranquility and joy stored within your inner conscious.
Many illnesses can be caused by stress. Did you know that allergic reactions can be triggered by stress, anxiety and worry? In the first class of Gendi Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai you are introduced to the Usui Gokai, which let’s go those negative emotions. <what is Reiki>
When the mind and spirit are healed the body naturally follows; one of the ways in which Usui Reiki Ryoho and meditation complement each other. <how to melt stress>
Imprints of experiences and the feelings they create exist in all of us. If the imprints are negative the subconscious will not easily accept positive ideas that erase the imprints. My original guided meditations and the exercises in Gendai Reiki-ho and Komyo Reiki Kai can help you to replace negative imprints with new uplifting thoughts and positive ideas best for you.<healing sessions >
You can see problems everywhere if you look for them.
If you look for solutions, you can see possibilities. When you are in the habit of looking beyond a problem to see the solution life changes gears; listening to Finding Your Solutions can help you to get in the habit of switching gears.
When you turn out the lights and put on headphones there are no distractions to stop you from experiencing one of the most beneficial ancient practices--change your thoughts and change your life.
In the first guided meditation on Finding Your Solutions you are guided to easily go into meditation. At the end of the first program you have 4 minutes to experience the peaceful stillness. The second guided meditation takes you to a beautiful place in nature that is solely yours, where you stop thinking and can stop worrying without falling asleep. In this stillness only solutions grow; being in this state void of problems allows you to think more clearly about positive possibilities when you come back to your fully awake beta level.
Continued listening to this meditation helps you to form the habit of looking beyond your problems to see your solutions.
$19.95 at this time. Oder today and receive FREE shipping in USA and Canada
Order today and
Tune-in to the stillness
Turn-on to tranquility, Peace & Possibilities
Drop-out of stressful thought patterns
Would not life be a lot simpler and friendlier if everyone looked beyond their problems to see solutions and possibilities?
The stillness you enter into in meditation is void of the triggers of stress. When you melt stress you are open to health and happiness.<melting stress>
In meditation your mind is quiet; a quiet mind is an intuitive or insightful mind. Albert Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”.
The trite expression ‘Free to be me’ describes that you feel when worries, fears, anger, doubt, and mind clutter melt. <erase mind clutter>
There are skills you were born with that no one else can tell you; they cannot be learned, they can only be remembered/uncovered.
You can uncover skills that may have been laying dormant. In a past life life you may have perfected certain skills; when you become aware of those skills it is your choice to embrace them or toss them. It is simply nice to have the choice. <see guided mediation sessions>
One client’s comment — “Roberta’s meditations are wonderful. They have brought me a lot of insight and understanding”. — Paula
Daily meditation combined with Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho exercises nourish your mind, body and spirit.
- In meditation your brain waves slow down allowing you to enter a safe peaceful stillness.
- In the stillness of meditation there is no one to judge you and no need to judge yourself. Without judgment you have the freedom to simply be centered and peaceful.
- Following meditation Your thoughts become clearer and more vibrant.
- Aristotle said, “The energy of the mind is the essence of life”.
Meditation is the opposite of trying to make something happen, it is simply being.
We are human beings not human doings, so taking slices in time to simply ‘be’ makes perfect sense.
When you step back and let go other people’s opinions of who you are, you can then define yourself.
When you define yourself, you can move forward in the ‘best way for you’.
Helen Keller described the beauty of life that you experience when you close your eyes and hush the outside chatter as she signed, “The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart.”
One of my purposes in giving guided meditations is to help unlock the wisdom within.
- The deeper you go into meditation, the more you open to your reservoir of insightful wisdom.
- The deeper you go, the more you allow your left and right brains to join in a dance that can bring abundance into your life.
- The deeper you go you feel your own rhythm — feeling your own rhythm brings you closer to hearing your heart’s song.
To register for classes or workshops, or private guided meditations call 207-445-5671 today or Contact via Email Roberta R. Barnes for private guided meditations.
When you take the time to look beneath bold colored flowers you might see one of nature’s fleeting beauties.
With meditation you can learn to see the beauty in the caterpillar–without the caterpillar (even is their would be no butterfly.<read more>
Meditation is actually the art of connecting to the beauty within you.
Some people spend most of their life looking outward for a source of happiness and fulfillment. When you look inward you may be amazed at the sources of happiness you find.
Looking to your left you see the herb Borage (Borago officinalis), which legend says when growing in front of a home will bring happiness to those within the home. It has been used for dispelling melancholy, externally soothing sprains, fostering courage and on cuts, burns and more. <healing herbs>
Sometimes you think you cannot see the solution simply because solutions are not always what you think.
Vibrations from your past can disrupt your present life or make certain things easier to learn . Revisiting a forgotten time and viewing through different eyes either can bring a peaceful balance into your present time or make a new skill easier to learn today.
When you change your view of an experience you can change your belief, which changes your reality. Your reality is connected with your subconscious, which control 88 to 96% of all your actions.
If you want to change your auto pilot, you first revisit what formed your beliefs, and seeing from where you are at this junction in time can change your view of the experience. <guided meditation sessions>
You cannot recreate a past experience/event, but the knowledge and feelings you formed at the time remain within you until you change your view.
- Have you ever had the feeling you have met someone before, but their is no logical reason when or where you would have met that person?
- Have you ever gone to a place you have never been before, but you know your way around and everything is so familiar?
When you follow my guidance in a session or workshop, you stop thinking about what you should be doing. Your mind and body relaxes, as you go into the Alpha or below levels. Your subconscious takes the lead and the wisdom that is unlocked may surprise you. <scheduled workshops & classes>
From the science world, authors Thibodeau & Patton tell us, ‘the altered state of consciousness known as meditation leads to decreased sympathetic activity and a group of changes opposite to those of the ‘fight-or-flight response‘ <how to melt stress>
1) Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your authentic sill in life.
2) The disintegration of obstacles in your life’s path.
3) The letting go of thought patterns that have kept you from moving forward in life and rewriting old tapes in you mind.
4) A freedom from the fears that were not helpful to you.
Private guided meditation are $80, unless in a package of three sessions, or a package with a Reiki healing sessions. You can see these packages on my healing sessions page.
One client said, “The way you took me into my past lives was so wonderful in helping me to understand things in my life today.” –Julie
In my Letting Go workshops I guide you to break those chains and set the monster(s) free. <read more>
When life is moving in a direction that results in sleepless nights, going beneath your thoughts into the tranquil stillness of Guided Meditation moves from being a luxury to a necessity. Instead of reaching for a drink or pill to help with life’s overwhelming problems, try getting into the habit of daily meditation, or doing the exercises I teach in either Gendai Reiki-ho or Komyo Reiki Kai classes every night for a period of time.
Have you ever started to clean out a closet, but after awhile it was easier to push the clutter even further back in the closet? The same thing can happen with your mind, which is one of the reasons I offer a letting go workshop, or in private guided meditations.
“Out of sight out of mind’ only works in theory. Think of pushing a cat to the back of your closet and imagine the mess you will find if the door stays closed too long. Carl Jung’s quote, ‘The cat neglected becomes the unconscious tiger’ fits with this thought train. The unconscious tiger is anything that is a monster to you. The bad thing is that your reaction caused by that monster can come from something you see, hear, smell, taste, or even touch.
Once your monster is out of the closet, or unchained, many of your reactions are history and you are back to acting instead of reacting. Tigers or monsters can easily be created through no fault of anyone.
Call 207-445-5671 today and schedule your guided meditation session or advanced Reiki healing sessions which includes a full Japanese Reiki healing followed by a guided meditation that is best for you at that time. <healing sessions>
The guided meditation workshops I offer are not only for discovery, but to make you aware of your hidden potential. Visit my Reiki classes and workshop page to see the scheduled dates and time for not only my Down the Rabbit hole and other workshops. workshops
I offer them at various times of the year. My Down the Rabbit Hole workshop is the most popular as it takes you deeper into your past with each of the guided meditations <read more about these workshops>
. is one of the things you discover through Gendai Reiki Ho, Komyo Reiki Kai, or meditation. When one is in harmony with nature, the universe can embrace your life in wondrous ways.
As you read on What is Usui Reiki Ryoho page — Wildlife doesn’t search for ‘state of art’ ways to make things better, everything in nature is simply in-harmony with the natural world/universe around them as they follow their dharma (sanskrit word that is not a law but universal/authentic self). <Japanese Reiki in harmony with nature read more>
You connect with nature every day, whether you realize it or not, which is why being in harmony with it is important. In my book fantasy children’s book What Tail? the breezes give advice to the main character.
When did you look into a field or your own back yard and see older trees? <read The Elder One>
These photographs to your left have an interesting story behind them <read More>
Nature speaks to us in a very basic spiritual way.
A better understanding of this comes from reading my article, ‘Life . . . It’s Beautiful’ first published in my column in the Amherst Daily News in Nova Scotia, Canada.
You will see the last line is, “Stop and think, is there anything more precious than life in any form”.
Nothings in nature works, yet everything works in nature.
At this present moment I invite you to make yourself comfortable, turn off your phone, and enjoy one of my original guided meditation.
When listening to this Bluebird Meditation, © Roberta R. Barnes you may uncover the positive within you. My inspiration was the legend that if a bluebird lands on a sprig of wheat by your front door good luck will come to you–as you listen you may find luck is already within you.
Would not life be a lot simpler and friendlier if everyone looked beyond their problems and saw solutions?
The CD Finding Your Solutions allows you to listen at a time and in a place right for you.
The first guided meditation walks you through an easy way to meditate, and the second guided meditation helps takes you to a place where only solutions grow and helps you form the habit of looking beyond problems where solutions appear.
- Experience the beauty of awakening your creativity.
- Give you analytical left brain a chance to rest and recharge while you embrace your life’s rhythm.
- Learn to easily go into meditation and uncover the perfect mantra that has always been within you.
- In only 18 minutes go into a state of relaxation that is right for you at that time.
Listening to the gentle sounds of nature in the background helps you to focus on the voice guiding you into that state where there is no one to judge you and no need to judge yourself; a state of being where planted seeds for solutions manifest at the right time for you.
The guided meditations on “Finding Your Solutions” are perfect to listen to on those hectic days when relaxation moves from being a luxury to being a necessity. This is also the perfect gift for all occasions
Turn-on to tranquility and peace,
Drop-out of stressful thought patterns
you can bring a positive calm into your life
Thank you for respecting © and not copying anything without written permissions from Roberta R. Barnes Gendai Reiki-ho Shihan, Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan (master instructor/teacher of high standing), Master Herbalist, Author, and Speaker.
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last updated 09/03/24